Spec me a shooter!

5 Dec 2008
Okay I know there are tons but I'm after something like doom 2016 release and the new wolfenstein as they were a blast to play.

Is there anything you can think of? Some one said hard reset but it was bland dull and boring in the brief 30mins I played.
I loved borderlands 1+2 but pre sequel just didn't click I did have no one to do it with in Co op though which didn't help :( so much so never finished it
Have you played the other Wolfenstein games? Bioshock Infinite is pretty decent as well.
Played the most recent ones and the one from yonks ago return to Castle wolfenstein I loved that one :)

I also loved soldier of fortune 2 double helix back in the day.

It just seem we don't get many run n gun pure shooters out there now :(
Possibly not exactly what you want but Prey, Dishonored 1/2 and the Bioshock games? Maybe even the F.E.A.R trilogy which can be had for a bargain price on Fanatical.
Finished prey I wouldn't say its close to style I'm referring but I do appreciate the suggestions :)

I have Dishonoured 2 still sealed for my ps4, fear games now they were amazing!
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