Spec me a space game

27 Mar 2013
So I'm looking for some form of turn based space game. I've played quite a few over the years, and most recently stellaris and ancient space, but I just don't like the combat part of them. I really enjoyed empire at wall many years ago, and I've also played through the new master of Orion game, anyone got any ideas for my rather vague description. I'd prefer single player over multi.

FTL: Faster Than Light.

It's technically not quite turn based, but the required liberal use of the pause function makes it play like it is.
Sins of a Solar empire is fun, however it is not turn-based. Combat is great fun as is tooling up your empire. The details on models are solid and you can zoom in down to a individual fighter level up to a start system, similar in ways to Supreme commander.

Also mods out for the games such as Star Trek ones etc.
Thanks for the replies, i've played sins (think i have rebellion), i'll look at FTL, i tried endless space but i found the combat a bit boring. TBH i'm intrigued by this EOW remake.
So I'm looking for some form of turn based space game. I've played quite a few over the years, and most recently stellaris and ancient space, but I just don't like the combat part of them. I really enjoyed empire at wall many years ago, and I've also played through the new master of Orion game, anyone got any ideas for my rather vague description. I'd prefer single player over multi.

I assume you tried galactic civilizations 3?
Sins with the star wars mod

nothing quite as satisfying as crushing the rebel scum

only negative is no Death Star
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