Spec me a system

26 Dec 2008

I have been thinking of getting a new system lately as my current pc was getting a bit outdated. In fact the PSU actually exploded yesterday so seems like a good time.

My pc atm is about 6 or 7 years old and upgrading the GPU about 2 years later was the last time I was looking at components. Basically I don't know much about what is available now and any advice would be appreciated. One example, after a quick look at processors I was wondering whether an Intel dual core say at 3.00ghz would perform better or worse than a quad core at 2.40ghz. And I have no idea how these compare to the AMD counterparts.

I am after a fairly decent system for about £600-£700 for the base unit only. Will mainly be used for fairly routine tasks but perhaps a touch of video editing, quality sound output woud be good, and it would be good if it could at least cope with high-end games. Main advice i would need would be on CPUs, Motherboards, sound cards and graphics cards.

I wouldn't mind spending a bit more if it is worth it, say for future upgrading. Less is always good too.

Thanks, Dave
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