Spec me a veg curry

25 Jun 2009
--- Random post warning ---

So normally, when ordering from the Indian, I'd get something like a lamb madras.

During, I think, the first lockdown. I came home from work and the mrs informed me that we had been given free food.

I guess the road we live in is kinda deprived and one of the local Indian takeaways had very kindly cooked up a load of food and were handing it out to houses in our area for free with the help of some PCSOs . I wasn't sure if we should have accepted it at first, as we are far from not having the means to feed ourselves, but the food was only just warm so I'm confident it was better to accept that it go to waste.

It was 3 portions of a vegetable curry on some boiled rice in a takeaway container.

I was sceptical, as I see my self as a bit of a cave man and like my meat, but not one to waste food I tucked in.

It was fantastic TBH. Very non-offensive and little to no heat, which makes sense considering the target market of random people, but in no way was it bland at all. Couldn't really call out any flavours. I think turmeric was the only thing strong enough for me to pick out.

If I consider if I enjoy a lamb madras more than that curry, then I'm not actually sure.

I've been thinking about it the last few days and I fancy having a go at a veg curry tomorrow as I have the day off. Normally, I look at a load of recipes, and pick and choose bits I like of various ones and have a go, but I'm struggling to find inspiration.

Any pointers for a veg curry of the kind your nan would like but also isn't bland or boring?

I can even remember what veg was in it. Potatoes and carrot is going in I think. I hate peas, so they are out. I don't think spinach was in it but I like it so will probably put it in anyway. Maybe cauliflower?

I guess I need a basic curry recipe for the v0.1 attempt if anyone can recommend something suitable? Even if its for a meat curry then I could probably use it if the sauce matches the criteria.

25 Jun 2009
The curry went well!

The whole family liked it. I have a couple of fussy eaters in the house, so its always good to get another family meal that everyone likes in the bag.

Took a quick snap of some leftovers that I nuked in the microwave for lunch today. Probably not the best time to get a photogenic shot, but hey ho.

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