Spec me a VPS host

19 Feb 2010
Hi All,

I'm after a VPS to run some stuff out on the interweb with (I'll be running CentOS).

Any recommendations for good hosts out there? It has to be UK based with web based console feature in case I lock myself out with firewall rules. I prefer full admin as well rather than out-of-the box install.

Advice appreciated :)

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Basically I just want to run a wiki, a Vent server, Mail for my domain and a friend wants to run a MUD along with a few other projects. Nothing crazy.

UK2 looks like a good bet but I'm a bit confused about how much freedom I have on the box. There's no FAQ (at least I can't find one). I don't want to sign up then find I have to do everything through a control panel rather than SSH access and full root privileges. It wouldn't make sense to have a VPS and not have that level of control but then I've never rented a VPS (I've only dealt with physical hosted servers in the past).

I don't understand the "premium Cpanel" thing on their site either... why "premium" when it's something you can just install anyway? confused.com.

I don't mind spending £30-£40 a month for something that gives me freedom to do what I need.

A snapshot service for quick restore in an emergency would be extremely handy. Not sure who does this.
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linode are meant to be pretty good for VPS servers


I was looking into VPS servers before christmas (for hosting etc) and a lot of people recommended linode to me.

I used to use TSO for shared hosting but not sure what they are like for VPS servers :confused:.

I have small VPS's for VPN's etc but nothing for actual hosting and I just use cheap hosts. One of my servers is £1.50/mo

linode have datacentres all over the place but during the ordering process you don't seem to be able to specify where you want it to be hosted. Unless they just automatically go closest to your geographic location... :confused:

Going to do a bit more digging, maybe fire off some emails to clear things up. Cheers chaps!
Thanks, uniQ, I'll send Linode a mail as they seem to be offering exactly what I want. Much appreciated. :)

Isn't heart internet the one that was on dragon's den years ago?
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