Spec me a wood floor and stone floor cleaner

14 Apr 2014
Hi all

Used to having carpets and vinyl flooring.

Recently moved and downstairs is either wood (living spaces) or stone (kitchen/utility).

Lots of people recommended Bona. I bought some (£20!!) and they can’t have ever used it because it’s shocking.

Also need something for the stone floor.

Any recommendations? :-)

I had been thinking of buying a Bona style mop for (new2me) engineered flooring, but they don't really get into the grain, so in the end adopted elbow grease, and using a dampened terry/microfibre cloth, to clean w/grain by hand.
w/cif wood cleaning liquid, removed a lot of dirt
... I haven't subsequently identified any protectorant, polish doesn't really seem appropriate (it's matt anyway)
I use a kegs mop (like this https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cloth-Micr...2ffba15af&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1) with this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Method-Flo...987&sprefix=floor+cleaner+squir,aps,95&sr=8-9

Just squirt and mop. The all-in-one squirt mops break 100% of the time. I have the Vileda one that I am using "manually" and it also snapped at the neck yesterday. I have an Amazon special in the house. The one linked above looks more reputable.

If you hate the environment you can get the boomer flash mop that generates loads of plastic waste
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