MuSsEr said:
lol the day asrock beats DFI is the day i buy a consol (not gona happen..EVER, i hate them)...
DFI urinates allover asrock and every1 knows its, DFI also kicks everythign elses ass in terms of overclocking options
my mistake, it went up against the same and better chipsets than the DFI lanparty uses, see for yourself.
as for the over clocking options, read my threads properly, i never said it had better overclocking options, infact i didnt mention them other than to say a bios was available that gave good results when overclocking.
MuSsEr said:
asrock is a low budget board and the only thing they have going for them is they offer an AGP and PCIE board, other than they they suck....quite a lot
p.s. id also go with the option of saving up more, as £250 is not much to spend on a decent comp...altho it depends what hes going to use it for....word and excel documents? lol
the 939 dual sata 2 at £48 isnt low budget, its middle of the road. as for the rest of their boards, many of them are good boards now that they are employing Nforce 4 chipsets.
as for spending more than £250... dont be a pillock, if i had more money to spend, the thread title would reflect it, £250 is the budget and thats that.
with this budget u can put him together a system that will be able to play battlefield 2 at medium quality and support future gaming and formats along with giving him an overclock from 1.8Ghz to 2.4Ghz with ease.
as for the asrock 939 that you so quickly dismiss, im using one. 9.5K on 3dmark05 and 1mb super pi calculation completed in 37.656 seconds doesnt lie.
now if youve got any input to add thats within the budget and about specing me a system then please by all means, go right ahead. if your going to continue being a noob, trolling and thread trashing, then please, spair us all.