I am done, I can see. This is a miracle of modern science.
So you go into the operating room and lay on your back. They clean outside your eyelids with cotton wool, put some anaesthetic drops in your eyes and ask you to close your eyes. You chat with the staff for about 5-10 minutes. The surgeon tests the equipment. He pops a doodah in your eye that holds your eyelids open and cuts the flap, this happens as quick as you can snap your finger, literally. You then look at the flashing orange dot in the machine and the surgeon rolls back the flap on your eye which you can see but not feel. The machine makes a number of loud clicking noises and you can see blue flashes for about 5-10 seconds. Then it's done! The surgeon puts some drops in, smooths the flap back over and asks you to make your own way to the recovery room. Make your own way to to the recovery room, you can see!!!
Immediate sight is a bit hazy, after about an hour my eyes were a bit stingy and I took some pain killers in anticipation, eyes were a bit gritty throughout the evening but I've woken up with perfect sight and no eye irritation at all.