Spec me GC games that my other half might enjoy

30 Sep 2003
Right my 360 is in our smallest bedroom, its my domain, my retreat from reality. Unfortunately SWMBO thinks that me spending huge amounts of time up there is a bit of a liberty so I dug out my Gamecube and stuck it in the living room so we can both play... in the brief times between the soaps and the next reality TV dross.

At the moment I only have Super Monkey Ball, Super Smash Brothers and Donkey Konga all of which she likes playing but I need to get some more games at some point and I'm stuck for ideas.

So other than Donkey Konga 2 and Super Monkey Ball 2 what should I keep an eye out for? I asked her what sort of games she liked and she said "ones like those (refering to the ones I've already got) and Rayman type games"

I know there are some GC lovers out there so spec me up :p
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