Spec me: Headphones for 2G Iphone.

19 Jan 2008
Sunny Wales.
My stock ones are totally shot and always falling out so looking for a new set. Im not really worried about not having a mic etc.

I need them to not fall outa my ear and feel nice.
Sound as decent as possible for the price.
£40inc max.
If need be i can use one of those adaptors to fit the phone jack.
Black if possible.

So far looked at:

Sennheiser CX400 Earphones (Black)
Sennheiser CX 300 Mark II Precision Headphones (Black)
Sony MDR-EX85 In Ear Headphones (Black)

Is there better around for this kinda money and if not whats the best outa the 3 above?

Thanks for your time apple dudes :)

Ex85's need the rubber cutting to fit in the 2g, i had to do it to mine, they are awsome though :)

I tried an adapter and the sound quality suffered but it was a cheap one.
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