Spec me/help with a Minecraft Server

22 Aug 2010
On the Wagon-East Angular
Hi all. I currently admin a mostly vanilla server that I let my daughter play on. She's made a nice little place that she has worked for some time on. The server is looking to go down the modded route and a map reset.

Her pc will not work with modded MC - her pc takes an age to boot/load up as it is, I just don't think it will have enough grunt for a modded client.

I have copied her little town and have the file a //schem file, so I can world edit it into a new world.

I've had problems getting world edit to work on single player, so I'm thinking about getting a small server that I can run a basic Minecraft server on with minimal plugins. I'd want World Edit, Core Protect and maybe uHome or similar. The idea would be to also let a few of her friends join the server so they can play together.

What kind of specs and price would I be looking at? I *think* I should be ok to set the server up, but any pointers would be handy. I currently use Filezilla to transfer files, and PuTTy to access the console etc.

It is not possible to use my pc to setup a lan world, as my old pc isn't powerful enough (PhenomIIx4 955 @3600 8Gb ram) and also isn't on 24 hours a day.

All pointers/help gratefully received :)
Can anyone help? What sort of monthly cost would I be looking at? An option to have some off site storage for pictures would be handy too. Anyone? :)
Can you not host it on your own computer?

Best to see how many people use it before spending on a server yourself.

If you do need an externally hosted server, these guys are good:

Hosted in France, low pings, good support if needed.

When looking for a MC server, cheapest is not always the best option.
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