Spec me some book > film books

4 Sep 2005

I really fancy reading some books of films, but where the book is considerably better than the film. I know that this is the case with a number of film adaptations of books.

A few that I have already thought of are: I Am Legend, 1408 and possibly The Shining. It's quite good, because apparently the films differ from the books considerably in some cases, meaning that the book may not have been spoilt by the fact I've seen the film.

So what are you favourite books that films have been based upon?
A lot of books there catching my eye. :)

I will ask around to see if I can borrow any of these from friends. I don't read anywhere near as much as I could/should/would like to.

Thanks for the posts so far.
I agree with that, but I have a film, well trilogy, that I believe to be as good if not better than the books. The Bourne Trilogy. Probably the best rilogy I've ever seen in my life. Although, I've only read The Bourne Identy and The Bourne Ultimatum. Both were fantastic, but the films were just something else.
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