Spec me some budget earbuds

30 Jan 2007
PA, USA (Orig UK)
The last pair of headphones that I really enjoyed listening to music with were the JVC HA-FXC51

They are no longer made, and headphone prices have gone nuts for some reason :(

I would like a recommendation between 10 to 30 please that will be similar quality or better than my old FXC51's.

I can't justify over 30 really so that puts E10's off the radar (and I remember them being cheaper previously?)
So even though out of my range, peeps think that e10s are worth the extra?

I will take a look at the tennmak stuff, thanks for the tip.

Pooley, will take a look at audiobudget today, thanks!

P.s.part of the pricing thing is that earbud wires seem to break easily or lose them lol.
OK, so my wife actually wants to get me something else for christmas so looks like I will be asking for the E10's :D

Those the best to get? I would like reliability from them.
Sorry... still not actually purchased these...

Reading a few reviews saying the Brainwavz B100's are a little fragile, and have noise coming through the cord (when rubbing on clothes). Are the E10's better for durability (I just wrap them up and put in in pocket), than the B100's ?
Well, long time coming... FINALLY decided to tell my wife that I needed headphones, ended up with the E10's. I'll be getting them at Christmas lol.

I haven't had a pair of headphones in sooooooooo long :( Really looking forward to this.
I honestly want a pair of ear buds that are proper quality, but the cables always seem to break so I don't want to keep paying for failed cables.
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