Spec me some business courses!

24 Oct 2012
I'm looking to make the next jump in my career. I'm an engineer at heart so can tell you anything about engineering, but can barely use a calculator. My company has no issues investing in me but we're limited to approved suppliers. I'm currently in talks about which courses to go for, but I really want to hit the ground running and smash it out pronto.

To that end I'm looking for some cheap / free courses I can do in my free time. Things like profit & loss, procurement, contract management and retention, etc. General business stuff.

Any suggestions appreciated :)

Wharton courses on coursera.

As I was typing that out I thought "I know exactly who's going to post up something useful" and here you are :D

I gotta admit, I know I like ribbing you sometimes but you never fail to come through. Cheers Dowskie!
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Whats the end goal for you, management at the same firm?

Would they invest in something like an MBA Essentials course from LSE?

Probably, the next leadership course I'm going on is a bit more than that but I will likely have to wait a year or so, or I'll be taking the mick. Looks like a good option though, cheers!
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