Spec me some headphones for £50

16 Oct 2008
Spec me some headphones for £50

Will be using it with a X-Fi 5.1 Music Card, will spend around £50-£60 for them. Will mostly be used for gaming and VOIP, but also some music so needs to sound half decent, having a microphone on it is a bonus aswell.

Thanks :)
You can get a clip on mic and some Goldring DR150s at the top end of your budget. At the lower end you could try the DR50s (DR100s ain't worth it) or those Superlux HD681s.
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Thanks guys, anymore suggestions? Don't want to spend over £60 and ideally want it to be for gaming. What Sens can I get for £60?
The Goldring DR150s are better than the HD555 but I would say go with Senns (if you can get them for the budget). Their soundstage has better synergy with the X-Fi than the Goldrings.
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