Spec me some headphones/headset

28 Dec 2003
Arg, what do to!?

Ok here's the situation. Currently have an old pair of Sennheiser phones, open & supra-aural. Always liked the sound of Sennheisers and have had a few now. I also tend to prefer open phones and supra-aural designs as I don't like phones that sit on the side of your head at all, I just prefer them to rest on my ears.

Now I've been thinking of upgrading my current cans for a while as they're getting a bit old and knackered (ok they're held together with staples!) but I'm also in need of a microphone for Skype/gaming use so I'm now wondering what to do.

In addition, I need them to be able to go decently loud but would want to drive them directly from the PC. Somehow I don't think that's going to happen so I'm wondering whether I need a small amp of some kind in between.

As I see it, either I try to get an all-in-one job along the lines of Sennheiser's "Pro Gaming" range, or I get two separate units. What would people recommend?

Whilst the all-in-one solution appeals on a neatness level, I can't help feeling it's a compromised one. Also, all of the Sennheiser ones seem to be circum-aural from what I can tell, which counts them out.

I'm wondering whether to just get a cheap pair of HD465s (these appear to be the best you can get before they all go circum-aural!) and a cheap Plantronics USB headset for playing games. I'm not that fussed on having "uber" sound quality in games, but do want decent quality for music & movies.
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