Spec me some larder essentials

22 Sep 2005
Hi guys,

I'm moving into a new flat soon with my girlfriend and I'm putting together a hamper full of all of the things that we would not normally buy, but might need for recipes.

I cook quite a lot but I've kind of fallen into a routine of only having a select few things in my cupboard (mainly because I only have one small cupboard to myself in my uni kitchen :( I'm always put off buying extra items to keep in stock and usually just do without if a recipe calls for it, so I'm splashing out a little bit and trying to cover most bases so we're ready for any recipe. Perhaps 'larder essentials' is the wrong term, but basically I'm looking for what you think everyone should have in their cupboard, or what you find the most useful.

So far I've got:
-red wine, white wine and cider vinegar
-malt vinegar
-sea salt
-some nice olive oil
-some every day olive oil
-stock cubes
-garlic oil
-plenty of condiments
-mixed dried herbs

Anyone got any more suggestions? I'm missing quite a lot I think - presume I have nothing! I was thinking smoked salt, soy sauce, corn flour, corn meal, chilli oil, a few more herbs and spices. We usually eat British, Italian, Indian and American. We tend not to eat oriental / Asian foods or fish - if it helps.

Thanks Guys,

some quite obvious ones I've missed there and know I don't have, cheers.

We're going to have a deck to grow on but it doesn't get a lot of sun. I usually try and keep fresh herbs at home (not at uni) but often they find themselves in the bin, or lost in the garden. I did notice Birdseye do little tubs of frozen/fresh herbs which is a good idea to either buy or replicate.

mangobreeder said:
don't just buy sea salt get some free running too
What do you mean by this mate? I've got a box of sea salt flakes which I can spoon, pinch or pour out.

Thanks :)
Don't forget the manliest thing of all - English Mustard! Powder and the actual sauce.

Get some dijon to boot as well.
not a fan of English mustard, but I have used Dijon in the past in recipes and know I have none! thanks for the reminder :P

Instead of some every day olive oil buy Rapeseed (you won't look back)
Also need Groundnut for frying with

Damn I got beat

I'll have to get some rapeseed oil then! I've never seen it before (maybe just have not looked to be fair) but me and my lass were just talking about it a few days ago. I insisted that she googled it on the journey back to bolton as I wasn;t sure why so much of it is grown here.

I've not used groundnut oil before, but I've heard it mentioned. What's the benefit?

If you have a balcony, grow your own herbs in trough.

Sunny Side: chives, oregano, lemon thyme,creeping rosemary, mint,Coriander. Shady side: wild rocket, chervil, French parsley and red mustard are just a few you can grow.
Feed weekly & you will have herbs from March to September.


Home made Horse Radish is fantastic, I dig my own roots from the road side verges.

according to my working out the decked area at the back will get no sun at all, although there is a communal decked area on the roof which I'm sure I can grow some herbs on, albeit not ideal.

I'll have a better look at that site in a moment; but for now is it okay to just buy the already grown herbs from the supermarkets and re-plant them? or is that kind of not the point?

Thanks again guys!
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