Spec me some new Headphones plx?



23 Aug 2005
Hi there.

I currently have some Razer Barracudas, which im using with my XFI Xtreme Music soundcard. To be quite honest, for a pair of such expensive headphones, they are no better than my old Sennheiser PC125s.

Ive managed to sell my barracudas again on the bay and lost out on oly £5, leaving me with £90 to spend on some high quality, bassy headphones.

Can anyone spec me some new ones? Ill be using them to play games such as BF2142, COD2, CSS, and Crysis when it is released. Id like quite a bit of bass from the headphones as im quite a bass junky :p (hiphop, funky house, drum&bass). They dont HAVE to be 5.1 surround, as long as they are good quality etc and meet my needs =]

Thanks =]
Ok well i have an XFI Xtreme Music, razer blabber on about independant something or other for bass, which is a load of tosh.. the bass is like none existant, go buy some and try them yourself lol.

Ive now got some Sennheiser HD595, which i must say are pretty sweet
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