Spec me some shed security

11 Jan 2009

My bike (Trek mountain bike) got stolen out of the shed a while ago. They cut back gate lock, 2 locks on the shed and the chain securing it to the floor - all decent quality locks.

Insurance company are paying out, I do plan on keeping the new/replacement bike in the house, but I'm sure that at some point it will end back out there.

The shed is just a standard wooden shed. Not the most secure place to keep a bike I know...

So what ideas / recommendations / suggestions do you people have?
cameras? alarms? specific door locks etc?


In short, nothing.
Wooden sheds are the worst for keeping a bike in - I myself had one stolen out of mine.

A camera you say... great, so you'll have video evidence of a faceless chav walking away with your bike etc.
The law here (not sure if same in England) states that if you have CCTV then you have to put up signs to say so. Or else the evidence can't be used in court. So...advertise you have something worth stealing. Or...keep paying the insurance.
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