spec me Something to Give the 980 a workout.

31 Jan 2011
Well im out of touch with games tbh, Spend 95% of my PC gaming on Arma 3 and the other 4% on flight sim and 1% on Battlfield 4. I recently upgraded my GPU to a 980 and sat along side the i7 i feel i have yet to see what it has to offer. Arma is so badly optimized that it does not even use the hardware correctly.

ideally im looking for a shooter and no aliens although i did like crysis and crysis 2. however i want somthing that is going to just Wow me on the visuals. I only game @ 1080. so whats out that will Wow me and put a bit of load on my system ?
cheers guys some food for thought there. Might try out far cry 4 first as i will prob enjoy that more. However that Ryse does look Epic in the graphic department just really not my kinda game (swords have never been my thing) I really like simulation games too if anything pops to mind on those too
If you like sims, how about Assetto Corsa?

I Have that :) everythig maxed out and it does look good, however not "amazing" maybe i just have too high expectations. Thanks for the suggestions guys i will try crysis 3. I liked 1&2 so will try 3 out.

It will be interesting to see if gta does actually use pc hardware and really deliver on the graphics side of things. Having got it for ps3 & ps4 i cant say the ps4 version was light years ahead of the ps3 vesion, there was inprovement but im not convinced that its using the ps4 harware to the max.
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