Spec me somthing to do please! Im going mad!

20 Nov 2004
Ok, sorry about the long opening, and i know its late. But i need a bit of advice and i need to get all this off my chest.

I have been at uni all year doing my second year as a law student. Parents decided to take me to Egypt over Christmas holidays which was a nice gesture but i lost 3 weeks of 'study, earning money and seeing my mates' time. Since Jan i have studied extra hard to catch up and have had 4 courseworks to hand in, the last of which i handed in on wednesday just gone.

Now my dad owns a few big restaurants and were opening another big one in Sutton. It was supposed to be open on wednesday, which is why after a stressful few months at uni, minutes after handing my last coursework in i was in *** car on my way back home will all my stuff.

The original plan was to work in the restaurant probibly 5/6 days a week, doing a good 60 odd hours a week. This would have allowed me to make a chunk of money. And in any time i have left i would be seeing my mates or doing other little jobs i need to get done ect. When you work so much and earn lots of money, you always spend your free time having fun, no time to stop and get bored.

Because i knew i would be working so hard and have little spare time i paused my gym membership for 2 months, thought id hit it again after the exams.

Now the problem is that the restaurant has been delayed and wont open for 2 weeks yet.

I have sky at home but dont watch tv, my pc is at uni and i am stuck on my sisters 6 year old dell, so no music or video to watch or games to play. I have no money or next to nothing, im not earning so i cant really be going out spending without thinking, so shopping or going out on nights out isnt really somthing i should be doing. I got most of my little jobs done today.

So what do i do for the next 2 weeks? Ive been sitting around, sleeping, and eating for 3/4 days and im bored of that.

I dont want to touch a book for a few weeks yet, and my mum hasnt even got the car to drop me off and pick me up from places.

Any ideas, before i go mad. What would you do in my situation to have some fun, keep yourself occupied and still feel like you have had a productive day at the end of each day.
Aye, poor bloody you. You got to go to Egypt but missed out on so much - you poor soul. You're daddy owns several restaurants and it has been delayed and now you're bored?

boo bloody hoo to be honest.

Also, need to get it off your chest? Get WHAT off your chest exactly?
... So you're on holiday and you're bitching about it? Anyway, you cant be *that* poor, your dad has 'several restaurants' and took you to Egypt.
Do something useful with your time. Help someone out. Volunteer at a charity shop, whatever.
Read, browse these forums, make something. Being creative should help a lot.

Alternatively just play WoW and watch porn.

Hmm I just re-read your post and it doesn't seem like you really know how to be a student! I know you have more experience of it than me, but you should definitely know how to bum around by now!
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If your Uni's in Leicester I can go and get your PC for you :D
Or alternatively, if you live in Leicester, come round mine ;)
(Nothing gay) for the post below!
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Start revision?
Watch Tv?
Read a book?
Get your mates to come and see you?
Argue with your sister?
Do some DIY in the house that has been put off?

Ace Modder said:
stop being a spoilt brat!

I cant see what makes you say that. Im happy to work hard for my money and i never said that i am unhappy or that i am not happy with the fact that i have food on the table and a roof over my head. I am only asking for some ideas on how to keep busy. No need for the unconstructive post. I post on these forums because there is a great community and from that great community comes good ideas when you need them. If you dont like my thread you dont have to post in it.
trojan698 said:
Aye, poor bloody you. You got to go to Egypt but missed out on so much - you poor soul. You're daddy owns several restaurants and it has been delayed and now you're bored?

boo bloody hoo to be honest.

Also, need to get it off your chest? Get WHAT off your chest exactly?

Again, like i said to ace modder, if you have somthing constructive to say im all ears, i am after all asking for advice. If on the other hand you have nothing better to do that post useless comments then i really dont need to hear it mate. I asked for ideas and advice, its optional, you dont have to post in the thread if you dont want to. And yes, although i was taken to Egypt (which i dad say was nice in the original post, or didnt you read that) i did miss out on a lot because it spoiled my plan for the year. I had to do 4 courseworks this time of year when i would have been doing 1 if i hadnt gone. And as for my 'daddy' owning several restaurants, grow up mate! So i get abuse because my dads doing well for himself. I ask for advice and ideas and i get you being a smart *** because of my situation. Just because my dad has a few restaurants doesnt mean i cant be bored does it! :rolleyes:
calnen said:
... So you're on holiday and you're bitching about it? Anyway, you cant be *that* poor, your dad has 'several restaurants' and took you to Egypt.
Do something useful with your time. Help someone out. Volunteer at a charity shop, whatever.

Im not poor in a sense that without work i'l starve, but i pay my own way. Parents wont give me money for dossing. I would love to do some charity work but i only have two weeks, by the time they train me in some shop it'l be over. I am doing some in the summer though. As far as helping anyone out, im helping around the house, cleaning and stuff, nothing else for me to do.
Zefan said:
Read, browse these forums, make something. Being creative should help a lot.

Alternatively just play WoW and watch porn.

Hmm I just re-read your post and it doesn't seem like you really know how to be a student! I know you have more experience of it than me, but you should definitely know how to bum around by now!

I cant play WOW, i aint got my pc here so cant play any games. Porn gets boring when the monkey gets sore! :p As far as being constructive is concerned, what would you have me do? Paint somthing?! :D
ninja economist said:
You're doing law, it's hardly difficult or hard to catch up on.

And you know this because you have a first class LLB law degree for oxford dont you! :rolleyes:
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