Spec me suitable fans for a MO digital baybus

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Hi guys,

Looking to improve my air cooling solution since picking up a MX610 which I want to use as a temperature controlled digital fan controller. As Ill be using upto 4 Dallas one-wire thermal probes (quite thick) where would be 'exactly' optimum to put them since they arent thin?

Ive got the original CM Stacker and using the default fans (2x120mm and 1 80mm - not sure what thickness they are though) and a 120mm Panaflo H1A 7V on my XP120. What I want to do it probably replace these as they dont have a sense wire (all 4 pin) with 3 pin fans so the RPMs can be read and adjusted by the MX610 - know anything that would fit the bill?

Would prefer fans that are silent at say 5-7V (normal operation) so that when they need to be faster (either manually or by automatic control) there is some extra cooling ability when required.

I was looking at Panaflos as I know they are good, but unsure if they do anything easily available with a sense wire - whats as good, if not better (and easily found in UK)? The fan connectors run at 12V and provide upto 1A IIRC if thats any help, cant see that many fans needing more than that (except for those tornados :p)...


ps3ud0 :cool:
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where would be 'exactly' optimum to put them since they arent thin?

Because i don't know your computer cooling as in are you watercooling or air,
I'll give you the obvious.

For CPU Temp: Best place is to attach via epoxy resin to the side of the heatsink closest to the actual CPU. If you don't prefer attaching it using this permanent stuff, you can get this heat proof wire from a local DIY store (can't remember the name sorry )

replace these as they dont have a sense wire (all 4 pin) with 3 pin fans.
whats as good, if not better (and easily found in UK)?

Why not just rewire the fans with a 3 pin connector rather than the 4 pin ones?

Good fans i can recommend are the Papst Fans. 3pin, ultra quiet and can push quite a lot of air... though not as much as the Panaflo's of course.
Another one to check out are the Noiseblockers SX1 fans.

Hope this helps :)
Carbine said:
Because i don't know your computer cooling as in are you watercooling or air,
I'll give you the obvious.

For CPU Temp: Best place is to attach via epoxy resin to the side of the heatsink closest to the actual CPU. If you don't prefer attaching it using this permanent stuff, you can get this heat proof wire from a local DIY store (can't remember the name sorry )

Why not just rewire the fans with a 3 pin connector rather than the 4 pin ones?

Good fans i can recommend are the Papst Fans. 3pin, ultra quiet and can push quite a lot of air... though not as much as the Panaflo's of course.
Another one to check out are the Noiseblockers SX1 fans.

Hope this helps :)
Cheers for the reply,

Yes Im just aircooling for now - why I guess I want such an elaborate cooling setup really...

As Ive got a XP120 I guess the non heatpipe sides are best (nearest) as its base is rectangular. I was thinking for the other 3 probes just to use one to take room/case temp and the others for say the GFX card and my Raptor, cant think of other obvious heat-sensitive/producing hotspots...

I wasnt sure if the fans came with a speed sense in the first place - obvious the Panaflo came untailed originally, but I bought it with a 4pin tail - does that mean it should have speed sense (is it a standard feature in all fans?)? Also I have no idea about the standard CM fans - they dont seem that good anyway, quiet at 12V, but I doubt they shove a lot of air, so need really replacing - I presume the Noiseblockers also come in 3pin with speed sense...


ps3ud0 :cool:
Most fans do not come with a speed sense IIRC. However if you just shove them on the MO, their speed will automatically be detected and displayed.

Normal CM fans won't push a lot of air... i'd say between 40-60CFM.

Forgot to finish my sentence in the last post, but you have finished it for me :) . The case/mobo temp isn't essential but it is useful when you are overclocking. I don't think probing the Raptor is neccessary as most hard drives never go beyond 70-80c and would still operate fine at these temps.
Have you thought about the chipset temp?

I'm sure Noiseblockers come with a 3 pin as standard but i don't think they have a speed sense... as i said, just try and hook it up to the MO anyway and check it out :)
I have a total of 6 cm fans, all the same motor. They are low noise when under volted, they tend to resonate regardless of the case at higher speeds, case isolation doesn't affect this unfortunately. Airflow is fairly poor, less than 40cfm, no where near 60. They claim to have 42.7 cfm at full speed, and undervolting them to 7v to get silence probably gives about 35cfm.

I recomend panaflo as always, good cfm/noise ratio.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the suggestions, just looked at Speedfan and my Raptor is only registering 33C whereas my chipset is 44C :eek: - though I guess it is quite stuffy tonight...

The DFI NB cooler though wont be easiest to attach a probe too - but as you said worth doing - Ill probably do the HDs aswell since the front intake is part of the HD cage in the Stacker...

Ill try and see if I can re-tail that Panaflo to 3pin from 4pin - is that ok to do? I prefer Panaflos aswell - Papst seem good, but expensive. Would prefer speed sense as Im picky ;)...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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