Spec me window'able game.

8 Dec 2004
Paignton, Devon
Hi all,

I am looking for a game I can windows and snap to one side of my screen while watching a film/series on the other side.

At the moment I am using minecraft but am looking to mix it up a bit, looking for maybe a stratagy or world building game?
You're pretty much looking at anything slow or turn based, so I'd recommend XCOM or something like Xenonauts. If you don't mind something very slow going, Crusader Kings II is supposed to be good. The Might & Magic games would also be good for this sort of thing. Hearthstone is another one, however you do need to be paying attention for that.
Hi all,

I am looking for a game I can windows and snap to one side of my screen while watching a film/series on the other side.

At the moment I am using minecraft but am looking to mix it up a bit, looking for maybe a stratagy or world building game?

If you are looking for a game thats not very engaging to the point you want to watch tv whilst you play. Take up an MMO, can watch films/tv whilst you grind for levels and materials. Or something like hearthstone and other card games.
Had this for ages on my android phone, what a game! It's just a shame it's such a battery drainer :o

Where can I get a copy for PC? I had no idea it was out. I did find a clone on steam though, it's called GamersGoMakers found here http://store.steampowered.com/app/314320/


Holy Jebus you can get it on your phone?!

Thank god I'm ill and day off

There are also guides: http://gamedevtycoon.wikia.com/wiki/Game_Development_Based_on_Source-Code/1.4.3
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