Speccing out a macmini

5 Jun 2007

I'm not really knowledgable about macs, but I have an iphone and I need a pc update so I'm thinking of getting a macmini.

I have some questions though:

How well does the performance of the mini compare to say the imac? Does anyone have both or would be able to offer any sort of real world usage comparison? I don't really want to drop an extra £300 if there isn't much real world benefit.

Is it possible to put an ssd in the mini?

Is the mini powerful enough to handle say 7 usb devices all plugged in?

What are the limits with regard to gaming? (I'm not sure about the gpu in it)

Thanks for any help.
Gaming can only really be descibed as very limited. especially if your plugging in a big monitor for anything new, old games will play alright of course.

Comparing the iMac to the mini theres really not much in it unless you start talking serrious money, except the obvious options for a bigger hard drive and a monitor.
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yes ssd wiil go in a mac but cost per gb dont really make it worth while i think,

and yes adding a hub powered to a usb wil prob allow 7 devices but even ten the posibility of using all at same time would be a hard feat but still possible

gaming wise as above,, my kids love there mac mini's and i like mine so i would say get one but are you after new or old ?
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