Specificate me a keyboard

18 May 2003
I'm looking for a wirelss keybord...but with a twist. It has to have a mouse built in (preferably like a laptop touchpad or similar). Is there such a thing without paying silly money?
I remember seeing a Sony keyboard like this on one of their pre-built machines. I doubt if you could get it separately and if you could then i'm sure it'll cost a bomb. It was a very stylish looking keyboard though. Maybe look on the bay?

I don't know of any others...
Someone will ask, so i will.... :D

So how comes your looking for this custom design of keyboard, i'd be interested in the story to go along with it.
t31os said:
Someone will ask, so i will.... :D

So how comes your looking for this custom design of keyboard, i'd be interested in the story to go along with it.

Not really interesting. I would just rather an all in one unit for using my PC from the couch. Just for convenience more than anything else.
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