Speckled Hen my band some new Intro Music!

27 Jun 2005
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hello one and all, you may or may not have heard my band from the other threads I posted (www.myspace.com/ascensionbanduk).

Anyway we love to have a laugh at gigs and so have really cool (read: cheesy) classical music as Intro music...

We have used "Mars" by Holst (I edited it shorter) and also the Kirk vs. Spock fight scene music (from Amok Time) - they have gone down awesomely!

Now I am looking for more music along those lines... really powerful, just awesome intro music!! Any ideas?

We use "Faith of the Heart" (The ST: Enterprise theme music) as "outro music" when we are tidying up lol... it's awesome too!!!

Help Ascension OCUK! Much Obliged!
We used to chop loads of Kung-Fu samples in...In homage to a certain UKHC band ;)


*Cue blitzkreig drums, guitars tuned down to A (NOT drop-tuned), a wall of feedback and growling that would put anyone to shame*

I was thinking more Classical music but I admire those suggestions lol!!

I like "For those about to rock" - that would be cooll...

the awesome thing about the outro music "Faith ..." is that I didn't have time to tidy my gear as I was leading the crowd in a swaying, lighters in the air type way! was bloody awesome i tell thee..

but anyways back to the intro!!
Steal an idea from D. Bowie and play some Beethoven from the 'Clockwork Orange' soundtrack, try the William Tell Overture :)
I guess that it should be something that people will recognise so how about something from '2001 a space odyssey'?
Docaroo said:
Hello one and all, you may or may not have heard my band from the other threads I posted (www.myspace.com/ascensionbanduk).

Anyway we love to have a laugh at gigs and so have really cool (read: cheesy) classical music as Intro music...

We have used "Mars" by Holst (I edited it shorter) and also the Kirk vs. Spock fight scene music (from Amok Time) - they have gone down awesomely!

Now I am looking for more music along those lines... really powerful, just awesome intro music!! Any ideas?

We use "Faith of the Heart" (The ST: Enterprise theme music) as "outro music" when we are tidying up lol... it's awesome too!!!

Help Ascension OCUK! Much Obliged!

Use the intro from the Rocky Theme Tune!
We used to start with Pink Floyd's "Pigs on the Wing Part 1" and end with "Pigs on the Wing Part 2" but it fit our style / the other songs quite well.

Play a rock version of the Star Wars theme, or Pachabel's Canon like the guitar kid :p
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