Spectacle me a new pair of earphones

27 Dec 2004
I'm currentluy using a pair of sony mdr-ex71's. But the plastic cover has come away in part of the lead. You know what it's like, you wrap them up and they end up in knots :mad:

Can you recommend me some new ones for my birthday :)

I've been looking at these bose ones Are there any others you'd suggest?

Thanks :)
I couldn't believe the price of the Sennheiser earphones, the reviews that I read said they were very good. But I've plumped for the EC 2'S, at 34.99. The reviews on these were excellent and I couldn't really justify spending that much money on earphones to keep me entertained on a bus.

Again, thanks for the replys, without you lot I would have probably bought a load of tat ;)

Ta Mark :D
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