speed fan config +disturbing temps

21 May 2006
i have speed fan 4.28 installed and like other screen shots of other people on the net they have cpu temp gpu temp system temp mine just has

Ambient 38c
Remote1 39c
Remote2 118c

i would like to show screen shot of speed fan and cpu-z but dont know how to also is there some way you have to configure this program? i would be gratefull for any help :)
Whats your motherboard mate?

To post a screenshot you need to printscreen, go to paint and use the paste option. Then save the image as a jpeg file, host this file here:


Then to post it on the forums by copying the address imageshack gives you and put it between [IMG*] and [/IMG*] but remove the stars (they're just there so you can see them tags).

So it looks like

[IMG*]http://randomimage.jpg[/IMG*] (without the stars).
In speed fan select the "info" tab then click the "get config" button
This will open a new dialog click the html link this opens the website (you will need to sign up) you can then select your motherboard make and get a link to the config file.
Copy the link (about a 6 digit number) into the "ticket" field in speed fan and click ok

Hope this helps
i may have worked out now i have done what you said sensorstealth :)
although i tried a few out i have worked out that remote 2 was all heats together. it doesnt give me a heat for gpu but i have triXX for that
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