Speeding up W10 on a Dell Laptop

8 Jul 2005
I'm looking at my mums W10 Dell laptop as since the upgrade to Windows 10 its running like a dog. I've done the back up and reinstall but there is so much bloatware that Dell put on i would like to reinstall a clean windows 10 OS first and then look at speeding it up.

I'm also thinking maybe put a SSD in it as well, but would still like as clean an install as possible.

There is this Fresh Start thing i have been seeing that looks like it should do exactly what i want, but i don't see that button in this version of Windows and haven't seen the option to not reinstall all the crapware. I suspect this is due to do the OS that Dell has?

If i download the windows installer to a usb and then install from that will the licence key transfer over?
Step 1: Download Windows Media Creation Toolkit

Step 2: Install Windows 10 Home onto a USB 3.0 Stick (will install a bit quicker)

Step 3: Install new SSD into the laptop

Step 4: Boot from USB, format SSD and install Windows 10 onto laptop

You should find it automatically activates :)
And that will be a nice clean non Dell bloat OS?
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