Speedlink Medusa 5.1 Headset Owners' Thread

28 Sep 2004
Seems like a lot of people out there own these and are as impressed as I am.

Anything in particular you like/dislike?

I'm impressed by the sound quality and packaging for the price, but the lack of a UK transformer is a bit annoying, I got a Euro transformer with a Euro to UK plug adaptor, making it stick out of the 4-way extension lead I use.

I think the rear speakers on mine are slightly right-biased, anyone else find this?

Apart from that, I'd recommend these to anyone heavily into films or games, but doesn't have the space or money for a good 5.1 speaker setup. I'm taking these to Uni with me - they're perfect for situations like halls of residence where you want a decent entertainment system without disturbing anyone else.

If anyone has any questions I'm happy to (try my best at) answering them. :)
I felt the same way about listening to music through them until I tried a 5.1 AC3 Music DVD. Woah, I was blown away. The rumble of the subwoofer is incredible.

Unfortunately normal two-channel music doesn't utilise the subwoofer and remaining speakers unless you've set up a Low Frequence Crossover and Channel Clone in your sound properties.

I've got an nForce 2 Chipset and the Soundforce system has some great surround sound options, now all sound output uses the subwoofer and rear speakers, it sounds beautiful - even moreso to think I spent a grand total of £40 on it.
Unfortunately they do seem to be hit and miss for build quality. I'd happily spend another £10 on top of the standard £40 price for a better overall production. Pity Speedlink seem to think cutting corners is the best way to make a sale.
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