SpeedLink Medusa 5.1 Surround Headset ?? 3 versions ?

26 Jan 2004
SpeedLink Medusa SL-8790 5.1 Surround Headset (SP-000-RA)
SpeedLink Medusa SL-8793 5.1 ProGamer Edition (SP-026-SL)
SpeedLink Medusa SL-8796 5.1 Home Edition + 5.1 Amplifier (SP-027-SL)


questions is whats the best one to get as money is no object.
just need to know what one would be the best and whats so diffrent about the 3 versions.... does the progamer come with a amp ????

basicly i just want the best one lol and the one with the most features. :)
There's a few minor differences between the regular version and the ProGamer one. The ProGamer has a detachable mic, a USB plug for power and a carry case. Mostly gimmicks really but I suppose the USB power connector might be handy. They both sound the same and have an amp.

I'm not sure about the home edition though, maybe it has more connections for connecting to home cinema equipment or something? I doubt you'd need it for PC use. So money no object I suppose the ProGamer would be the one to go for.
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