Spend my RTX 5090 money for me!

21 Jul 2006
Leicester , UK
Hello fine folks of OCUK

Having been mostly resigned to the fact that I’m not going to get a 5090, and the fact my current system isn't PCIe5 capable, i thought I’d use the cash to build myself a new PC. I'm a little out of touch with current standards so wanted to ask the forum experts for advice.

Current PC specs are in my signature and I'd be looking to replace CPU, Memory, Motherboard and cooler. I Air cool at present and would prefer to keep it simple in regards to that. I have no intention of overclocking.... it stresses me out!

Buying a new PC is typically a once in a 7-10 year occurrence so whatever I go with, I want to be futureproof. I game (Microsoft Flight Sim, adventure type games and the odd Call of Duty) and do armature content creation in the way of photography and videography.

Looking at processors as a starting point I was thinking of the AMD Ryzen 9 7900X3D. This seems to be the latest generation of processors and from what I've read, seem quite exciting!
Motherboard wise - I'm a little confused. USB 4 seems a good option to futureproof but i have no USB4 devices right now. But if that comes at a significant premium, I'd possibly drop that. My main consideration is to get the best out of the 5090 (or 6090?!) as and when i can get one. I've been looking at the X870 chipsets because of this.
Memory - 48gb seems logical with memory hungry video editors. And I guess getting something that overclocks well to the motherboard.
Cooling - I'd like to keep it air cooled but this seems like a bit of a minefield. Would love to hear your thoughts but I can’t see anywhere in my case I could fit a radiator for water cooling.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Love, peace and beer.
How much of a rush are you in for the upgrade?

The 9900X3D and 9950X3D chips are due to launch around March (correct me if I'm wrong?) so it might be worth waiting a little longer, you should be able to source a 5090 by then too if you've got your heart set on one.

The 5090 would work just fine with your motherboard however, PCI-E 4.0 should still be absolutely fine with it, and if you're running 4K you'll not see much performance loss in most games with that CPU. That said, simulations and CoD Warzone tend to be outliers in that they really like the extra L3 cache of the X3D's even at higher resolutions, I'm not sure if MSFS falls into that category currently but it's worth looking into.
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Thanks for the reply. I'm in no hurry so woudl be happy to wait given this info. Exactly the reason i come here, so thanks for pointing that out.

Any thoughtson the memory/motherboard?
ye, I'd suggest there's not MASSES of meaningful improvements. I mean, sure 9800x3d, if you really need SOMETHING but it feels a bit perfunctory.
I was in this situation but I sold my 4090 before I realised there would be shortages! Lol :)

I ended up going with the 9800X3D as the gaming performance of the 9900/9950X3D will be very comparable and sometimes even slightly better on the 9800X3D.

Now I am gaming on a retro PC I built for the 2005 time period! Oops!
Well maybe i'll have to stick it out for the 5090 then. I thought there would have been some decent gains to be had by upgrading but from what you guys are saying, i still have a very capable system?
If it helps, I went from a 5900 to a 7800x3d. Honestly, I'm not seeing a night and day difference at 4k - it's quite game specific and you'll mostly feel it in 1% lows.

The good news is dropping to 8 cores hasn't impacted photo editing at all - gpu does all the heavy lifting for me in DXO.

Have you thought about a monitor upgrade instead? OLED is getting more affordable.
Thanks for the reply. Thats interesting. I expected there would be a noticable uplift on most workloads, including gaming.

I;ve only recently got the Neo G9 and mostly, love it so dont think theres much i can upgrade to!
Hey Aeropars, if you want a 5090 go for it. It will do you years of wonderfull gaming. If you build a PC every year like I used to maybe a 5080 would be better?
Thanks for the reply. I dont built one very often but when i do i like to go for the top end if i can afford it. I alrady have a 4080 super and am looking for better performance for my flight sim games. Based on what people are saying, i may just upgrade to 64gb of RAM and wait it out for the 5090. Thats hard when i can upgrade and frankly, i like new shiney toys!
Thanks for the reply. Thats interesting. I expected there would be a noticable uplift on most workloads, including gaming.

I;ve only recently got the Neo G9 and mostly, love it so dont think theres much i can upgrade to!
It's there in some games - BG3 is pinned at 144fps for instance, but it's very picky. Plus side, it's no worse than the 5900x in any of my real world usage (ie outside of Cinebench).
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