Spider on the wall

eeeek!!! dont show a pic!! i hate spiders, but i couldnt kill them cos im too scared to go near them lol
How far can they fall ?
Can they fly a bit ?

I am a 'glass / cardboard / outside' type of hero spider catcher. The only one in our house. I have come home from work to find pans on the living room floor which had been ceremonially thrown on poor said spider, which I have to sort.

So I cannot kill them but must humanely remove them. Thing is, our living room is 2 floors up - so when I do the glass / cardboard thing - I drop them out of the window. So will it survive the fall ?

To help your calculations, we live very near a river and a canal. The spiders we get are MASSIVE. They are hand sized, (inc legs) - hairy and have those 2 tendril thingies coming from their head.

Or should I walked them downstairs and out of the kitchen door and let them run out of the glass ?
Aerosal can and cigarrette lighter man myself if the wall if the spider is downstairs where we have external walls inside. If not I tend to go for the softly softly approach with glass and card for fear of marking the walls.
House spiders I'll pick up and take outside, usually no need for a glass/cardboard :p Wasps don't see any mercy though, neither do most bees.
Depends on if Mic is at work or not:

1) Mic working - Scream, panic, get glass, put glass over spider, get paraniod and check on it to make sure it is still there every 15-30 minutes.

2) Mic home - Scream, panic, watch Mic do the cardboard/glass thing, get paranoid and close all the windows and doors and spend the next few hours jumping at the pattern on the wallpaper or dark marks on the carpet.

Some littler ones I can squish myself, but anything 50p size and upwards are for Mic to deal with
Pinkeyes said:
How far can they fall ?
Can they fly a bit ?

I am a 'glass / cardboard / outside' type of hero spider catcher. The only one in our house. I have come home from work to find pans on the living room floor which had been ceremonially thrown on poor said spider, which I have to sort.

So I cannot kill them but must humanely remove them. Thing is, our living room is 2 floors up - so when I do the glass / cardboard thing - I drop them out of the window. So will it survive the fall ?

To help your calculations, we live very near a river and a canal. The spiders we get are MASSIVE. They are hand sized, (inc legs) - hairy and have those 2 tendril thingies coming from their head.

Or should I walked them downstairs and out of the kitchen door and let them run out of the glass ?

yeah- they will survive the drop no probs...

sounds like you get wolf spiders...tendril thingies = mandibles?

post a piccy if you can get one...

Ive had to removed 2 from my bedroom this week, they dont bother me there more of annoying really. Glass / Cardboard / Window always. I put them outside the bathroom window just incase the fancy trying to get back in.

The way I see it is that if I glass them up and let them go, they'll go running off to their spider friends and tell them that there's a nice warm house over there they can go stay in and if they're found, all that will happen is that the nice man will put them outside where they know they can get back in within about 20 seconds.

So, SPLAT! is the only way to go.

That explains why today is such a dull day compared to yesterday :(.

We've had some huge spiders in our house but we are kind people and so put them at the bottom of the garden or else let the dog sort them out ;)
matthew_o50 said:
We've had some huge spiders in our house but we are kind people and so put them at the bottom of the garden
They'll be back in your house in less time than it takes you to walk the length of the garden, you mark my words.

And they'll be laughing their spidery heads off at you :p

matthew_o50 said:
....or else let the dog sort them out ;)

My dog used to sort out the insects too. Usually, you'd only realise there was a flying insect about when she was running around doing an impression of an angry crocodile.
Takhisis said:
Depends on if Mic is at work or not:

1) Mic working - Scream, panic, get glass, put glass over spider, get paraniod and check on it to make sure it is still there every 15-30 minutes.

2) Mic home - Scream, panic, watch Mic do the cardboard/glass thing, get paranoid and close all the windows and doors and spend the next few hours jumping at the pattern on the wallpaper or dark marks on the carpet.

Some littler ones I can squish myself, but anything 50p size and upwards are for Mic to deal with

This is me, exactly, apart from me waiting for Leo to get home not Mic :D

Oh and I can't kill them, I just can't do it. I feel too sorry for them even though I detest them.
If they're small they get vacuumed if I'm tidying my room/ignored..

if they're medium they get vacuumed/old A3 Card art book (Solid stuff :P)

If they're large then I break out the large pole we have for opening the loft hatch.. tried vacuuming one and it hooked its legs round and wouldn't go down and this is with those huge George/Henry Vacuums.. not good.

It's lose/lose/lose for spiders in my house :D
fatiain said:
that looks like it could be fun.. although if they're not dead.. they can escape.

I tried one of the vacuum type tubes but it didn't work.

I guess I may get one to try.. then I can catch them, then take them outside.. drop them and stamp on them. No mess inside that way :)
georges said:
If they're large then I break out the large pole we have for opening the loft hatch..
How posh are you? You have a Pole to open your loft hatch. Are Eastern Europeans cheaper than a UK citizen?

I can see it now, "Pavel, there's a big spider" *Stomp*
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