
17 Oct 2002
Deepest Darkest Leics
Whilst I was out in the garden trying to avoid the invasion of the relatives yesterday, I spotted a gorgeous female spider spinning herself a shiny new web. I stood and watched for a while whilst she directed the silk from her bum onto the right spot of her web with her back leg, and then ran off to get the 30D and my shiny new 430EX flash.

Was quite pleased with the results, so I thought I'd show and tell.

First off, a couple of her carefully arranging her threads:



I then let her settle, and got one of her guarding her new creation.


I wanted to see what she'd do if I blew lightly on her web (they run off if you blow too hard). She positioned herself so that she was holding on to as many threads of her web as possible.

I then left her for half and hour whilst I went to eat my apple pie. When I came back out again, she'd had a bumper harvest. There were tens of tiny bugs all trapped in her web, and she was tucking into this tasty morsel. Mmmmmm, looks lush





All C&C welcome. Thanks for looking.

And yes... I've just noticed all the dust on my sensor too :(
I don't like spiders that much but I do like the pictures, What camera do you use?

/edit Don't worry just checked Exif.
hey great shots Kate

I'll have to try a flash with mine

why is it all the spiders face the wrong way? (well they do in my garden anyway). I always get them on the underside never on the top
I like my 430ex too apart from the whiney noise it makes which drives me around the bend, guess it can't be helped.

These pictures are good. I noticed they were all taken as manual exposure - do you go by the in-viewfinder meter to judge the exposure or just guess?
Sleepyd said:
I like my 430ex too apart from the whiney noise it makes which drives me around the bend, guess it can't be helped.

These pictures are good. I noticed they were all taken as manual exposure - do you go by the in-viewfinder meter to judge the exposure or just guess?
I choose whatever aperture and shutter speed I want to use and the flash cleverly does the rest for me... I think :D. Either that or I just have the nack, lol. I'm so used to taking all my flash photography in manual exposure (with my old flash), that I just carried on with the 430EX and it seems to be working well.

Thanks for the comments :)
Lostkat said:
I then left her for half and hour whilst I went to eat my apple pie. When I came back out again, she'd had a bumper harvest. There were tens of tiny bugs all trapped in her web, and she was tucking into this tasty morsel. Mmmmmm, looks lush





All C&C welcome. Thanks for looking.

And yes... I've just noticed all the dust on my sensor too :([/QUOTE]

Don't particularly like big spiders, they're a bit scary :p

But very good pictures though :)
Craig321 said:
Don't particularly like big spiders, they're a bit scary :p

But very good pictures though :)
Big??? It was about 1.6" across, maximum. That's miniscule compared to some of the 8"+ tarantulas I have in my room! :p
fantastic shots! i love the green colours in the background, almost makes the spider jump out of the picture! :)
Again, thanks for the comments guys :) These are pretty much unprocessed. All I did was re-size and a small amount of burning on a couple of them. Colours haven't been boosted at all :D
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