Spilled coffee on my Apple Keyboard

yes but could take 2 weeks to dry, my cousinsd phone dropped in a swamp it took 2 weeks on the rad to dry out, a keyboard is slighty bigger :P
spilt coffee on my 5 day old apple wireless keyboard, nearly broke my heart seeing that but it was working fine after a few days :D
i once spilt a pint of oj over mine (same keyboard) and it worked fine after cleaning/drying it.

later though due to a freak accident i somehow managed destroyed the "a" key :/ pretty much rendering it useless, i had to buy a replacement without even thinking about alternatives.

using mine with my windows pc i find its a joy to type even game on, silky smooth. i will never go back to clunky lego keys again :)

ps: so easy to clean too, little spray/wipe and its like new again.
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