
2 May 2014
Who else play's this on here?

Having a massive ammount of fun in it currently.

Really mod-able as well.

It seems really simple, but once you get into it, it has a depth that makes it very tricky to manage.
I bought this at the back end of last year in the Steam Winter Sale, and I must say I had great fun playing it. I've not been on it for a little while (other stuff to play I guess) but I really should fire it up again, as it's fantastic fun, and I've still got a load of achievements still to get as well :rolleyes:
Yeah - me and cobra_uk live stream it, gets surprisingly good viewers and its a lot of fun, single or multiplayer.

Its a shame multiplayer is just 4 and hosted by 1 pc, but its good fun :)

I'm currently doing a drive through of the Volcano Map :)

Its a lot of fun and ,y live stream even had some impromtu Thunderbirds music lol
I do enjoy the game, but haven't played it in a while. The last few times I have played it for any length of time, I have opened up a map ready for some objectives, only for them to release a patch which resets the progress :mad:
I think thats fun for me though - starting again, but some how ending up doing a different route

And the complexity of getting so stuck and how to get your self free and rolling again.

Plus the driving of each of the different trucks is different as well
I don't like the flood map - its so annoying

I like The River.

And The hill can give you lots of giggles - espicialy trying to drive a big artic down that switch back rofl
I think Humble had this on the store for cheap recently.. wish I bit the bullet. If anyone comes across this for cheap let me know please.
There is multiplayer, but its 4 only at a time as its hostd on someone's PC

Its fun in multiplayer - lots of things to do if you put your mind to it rather then just do the missions
You can't use separate wheels and pedals? That's rubbish. What kind of a driving game doesn't allow you to assign controls? I've got a G25 but use BRD pedals, but as far as I can see the game will only let you use one controller.

A wasted £6 for me as I can't play it. :mad:
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