SpiralLinux: Anonymous creator of GeckoLinux puts out new Debian remix

1 Nov 2004

Who the hell uses VLC with QT5 libraries on a Gnome desktop in 2022, I assume the developer is one of those old clever greybeards that's out of touch?
1 Nov 2004
Apparently he has removed AppArmor for no other reason than he doesn't think it's necessary and decided not to mention it.

A great project ruined by some really bizarre choices.
1 Nov 2004
That is unfortunate, if that's the case.

AppArmor not automatically installed

geckolinux (spiral Linux Dev)

For the general usage profile of a desktop system behind a NAT firewall using vetted packages from the official Debian and/or Flathub repositories it doesn't seem necessary. Feel free to install it though if desired.

I couldn't find the original reddit post but i found this at the project page, his attitude towards it is even worse than i thought.

Personally I prefer Devuan

Retrying the latest Devuan and Debian non-free are on my todo list as i keep seeing people say that they are now having a much better user experience with them than using Ubuntu or PopOs! though i do plan on giving PopOs! another try. LMDE is nice but cinnamon is showing it's age and they still haven't solved the memory bug other than to have a memory limit before the desktop re-starts itself.

I never planned on changing from Ubuntu and vowed to stop distro hoping but Ubuntu is starting to feel clunky, buggy, bloated and sluggish and a important app like Gnome-Authenticator is broken on Ubuntu yet works perfectly on Debian and the Ubuntu Devs just ignore it.

Don't know what is going on with Ubuntu and i don't know if you noticed that the lead developers Alan Pope and Martin Wimpress buggered off and left the project within a couple of weeks of each other and Popey has now put out a tool called unsnap to remove snaps from Ubuntu and he also put out some tweet that basically said he had concerns with snap but Canonical wasn't prepared to listen, i can't remember if he said it or if it was someone else that Canonical is heading towards corporate dictatorship rather than being a public project.
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