SPL Thread Rules Discussion

13 Nov 2006
Just to let you know matey, I had no part in the SPL thread getting locked down twice in the space of a week and I have no idea what the reasons where behind both lockdowns.

While not having club specific threads, what about splitting the SPL into two groups and keeping the Old Firm apart as that is what invariably sparks the hassle. A simple alphabetical split down the middle with thread entitled SPL 1 and SPL 2. Just an idea.
There have been two individuals on the old thread who always tried to get the rise out of me and I'm ashamed to say that it did work a few times. On the occasions where I bit, I always ended up on the wrong end of weeks ban but they got away with it.

There has been continual name calling and I have complained about it on several occasions and nothing was done. Complaints, no matter whether you feel it is valid or not, should at lest warrant a reply otherwise people will invariably react to goading if the perpetrator is not dealt with or they are not told there is no case to answer. I am happy to have a new thread that is properly policed and offenders dealt with harshly.
First post edited to clarify the situation regarding the rules. McRod is the first to break rule 1 but I have asked him to stop it. Let's see if we can keep things civil gentlemen.
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