
21 Apr 2010
Whilst I was filtering past stationary traffic today doing a gentle 15mph, a kind lady in a blue SUV decided to do a U-Turn. Unfortunately for us both I was level with the wing mirror of the car behind her when she fortuitously made the decision to make the maneuver and even though I was doing such a low speed I ultimately had nowhere to go...


Took her rear door out. My bike is a bit worse for wear. My ribs and wrist are panging but I think I'm OK overall. Had I been doing 30mph it could have been much, much worse as I would have been likely to be catapulted into the oncoming traffic.

Clearly she did not check her mirror but no doubt the insurance company(s) will shaft me one way or another.

Go safe out there folks and keep your speeds low particularly right now as many drivers are not used to driving home from work in the dark after the clocks went back.
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Well I can tell you that even at that low speed it still ****in' hurts the next day :) I'm Ok tho - been to hospital its soft tissue damage at the sternum and wrist - no broken ribs thankfully.

Thanks for the comments, it looks pretty cut and shut, i was wearing hi-vis too which will help. The bike in daylight is scuffed to hell and back - bit concerned about a scratch on the frame where the brake pedal got compressed in. Ins Co picking up the bike tommoz.

Could have been worse, count ones blessings time.
She was turning into a dead end road and was positioned quite a bit beyond the center line of the side road. I think she had got fed up with the traffic Que and decided to take an "alternative route". I don't remember seeing an indicator - first thing I knew I saw the front wheel turn and off she went. Yet she said when she first got out of the car (and whilst I was winded and on my knees) "I WAS indicating!"

Unfortunately by the time I had recovered from being winded, picked the bike up and moved to the side of the road everyone who saw the incident had moved along.

However I have checked my satnav logs and on the run up to the crash scene I was doing about 10mph, but for the last 124 feet i was doing an average of 6.4mph. I had time to get the front shocks compressed to about half before i ran out of talent - which means I splatted on her rear door at no more than a fast running pace.

Its a bit shocking how such a low speeder can hurt - maybe I'm just getting old ;)
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The bike has been classed a total loss by the insurance company. Gah. Waiting to hear what class of write off.

To top it off the solicitor is talking about 50/50's which frankly I am furious about.
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Turns out I have two broken ribs and an asymmetric ribcage. Doctor said I was OK 4 weeks ago the git. In to physio for 6 weeks then. The Insurance company have not paid up for the write off yet - even tho I'm fully comprehensive. They should cough up and argue it out later I reckon.
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