Split with girlfriend

23 Aug 2004
We had ups and downs but she was the first girl I ever loved. Had been going out for 18 months but recently I've felt that something wasn't right and when I asked if she wanted to be with me she said she hasn't felt the same. It's probably the best way to end things, I just don't know how I'm going to face seeing her again.

Feel all messed up.
Thanks for your replies. Am not going to cali, may head back to Norwich though to see my family, want to see them.

Wasn't exactly mutual, I asked if it was a break or a break up, was the latter unfortunately. Will be hard though. She said she wants to remember the good times and doesn't want us to be unable to see each other, i'm just not sure If I can see someone I love on a friends basis, will just hurt.

White Fang, I'm sorry. That sounds awful.
Pounded in the guild tonight.

Again, thanks for everyone's replies. I know i've never met any of you but times like this it's nice to have some support. Have spoken to my Mum and Dad and I'm going out tonight with my mates to my uni's guild. Hopefully it'll take my mind off things.

I'm really not sure what to do about seeing her again. When we broke up she said she didn't want to be like we could never talk. I just feel that she's someone that I love, I cannot just be a friend, someone who I see every now and then, it'll only **** me in the head. Either way, gonna leave it to cool for a bit and then take it from there.

And then you go and spoil it all, by doing something stupid and I suspend you....

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