Im trying to get to the bottom of this.
Think there is two problems. One is we only have a 8mb connection coming in to school. --> we are trying to up the bandwidth as we regularly reach this limit and the network just goes to a crawl.
When I try to update the ipads with meraki, it takes ages and normally fails. Same if I go to the app store and try to download the apps that way ( pages update 20 mins to a hour) So I'm assuming that a more bandwidth into school would fix this?
The main problem is we have used airserver and now we are on apple TV's which the staff use to mirror the ipads to the projector. Randomy the airplay freezes then kicks the mirror off. I'm assuming this is a wifi problem as none of this traffic is leaving the school?
Both the apple TV and the ipads are connected wirelessly.
We currently have Netgear 360 N dual band AP's one per 2 classrooms roughly any ideas?
Some one has suggested its a bonjour issue and thats flooding the network.
How would I go about splitting the up wifi into separate WLAN's as reccomended in the quote above?
Think there is two problems. One is we only have a 8mb connection coming in to school. --> we are trying to up the bandwidth as we regularly reach this limit and the network just goes to a crawl.
When I try to update the ipads with meraki, it takes ages and normally fails. Same if I go to the app store and try to download the apps that way ( pages update 20 mins to a hour) So I'm assuming that a more bandwidth into school would fix this?
The main problem is we have used airserver and now we are on apple TV's which the staff use to mirror the ipads to the projector. Randomy the airplay freezes then kicks the mirror off. I'm assuming this is a wifi problem as none of this traffic is leaving the school?
Both the apple TV and the ipads are connected wirelessly.
We currently have Netgear 360 N dual band AP's one per 2 classrooms roughly any ideas?
Some one has suggested its a bonjour issue and thats flooding the network.
We resolved most of these issues by segmenting our WLAN into 14 seperate "departmental" WLANs, each with an unique IP range (yet using the same WiFi controller) to reduce the number of ATVs that can see each other. The maximum we now have on any one WLAN is 14, which seems to be ok with the approx. 20 iPads that regularly connect to the same WLAN. (we've also limited the DHCP range to 65 devices to reduce the chances of flooding the networks). We're only broadcasting an individual WLAN to the area of the school where that subject it taught.
How would I go about splitting the up wifi into separate WLAN's as reccomended in the quote above?