Spore, any updates?

12 Feb 2003
Beflast Norn Iron
Has anyone any news on this game being released yet?

I have been signed up to the offical newsletter for months now and have yet to recieve anything from them.

And how can this game have won E3's best pc game of the year 2 years running, best original game 2006 and best simulation game 2006 before it is even released?

The start of 2007 is looking great for games:

Supreme commander,
Quake wars,

WHAT more could you want? S.T.A.L.K.E.R? okay!
Nieldo said:
The start of 2007 is looking great for games:

Supreme commander,
Quake wars,

WHAT more could you want? S.T.A.L.K.E.R? okay!

Spore and Supreme commander are the ones Im keeping an eye on, never heard of quake wars, what's it about?
LeakyMeat said:
And how can this game have won E3's best pc game of the year 2 years running, best original game 2006 and best simulation game 2006 before it is even released?

Isn’t the whole idea of E3 to show games which havn't been released yet?
not looking forward to UT2k7?
Well either way I cant wait for spore, and I noticed their webpage has eben updated now showing the seperate stages of the evolution that they added since 05. You can see them in the 06 E3 video where they devided it all in to what look like seperate games.
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