Spore preview ( 1 hour presentation)

16 Nov 2005
Newry, Northern ireland
heres a nice presentation for the upcoming game spore. it looks impressive!,
you may not wish to watch the whole video, if not, skip to around just after the first 20 minutes. i watched it all, its cool. it shows you what algorithms relly are capable of, and looks excellant fun :D. they can't talk about it anymore until the next E3 so this is a nice preview. this has to be one of the most interactive editable games ive ever seen!. comment/opinions please :cool:

Click here for the video
ah ok, sorry for telling old news then heh. overhyping wise, true, but i still like it although it looks like once youve populated a whole planet its very repetative =/
MiGSY said:
Its been posted before, about a month ago :p

Old news :D
ay capin... the two videos got posted, 30 mins edited one (just the game footage) then i posted that one in the same thread :p

still really looking forward to Spr0n... er... Sporn :)
sup3rc0w said:
Game looks about as much fun as watching grass grow :o
but your sup3rc0w! you dont watch grow... your wonder around aimlessly eating the grass, falling asleep and letting people push you over!
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