Sports car?> ... from when

6 Sep 2005
So i just got my first motor which is infact a motorcycle.
im planning to make it look nice this summer and sell it on.
Now my first car isnt much of an isssue, but i really do want a sports car.
So this may sound like a dumb question but,
whats the most suited age to buy one thinking money wise..

i dont mean like petrol cost. i mean more insurance.

mmm honda civic here i come

thanks. shimy
well im not going to sell the bike yet. just the lastest part of summer when it starts to get cold... maybe biggining of october or september.

i dont garage my bike and its a 2 stroke. its a pain in the *** to start it and get it warmed up to take off :D

takes about 10 mins in idling to get out of cold zone atm.

plus the last engine rebuild was millions of miles away... it may go boom on me if the last owner wasnt carefull..

its a risky buisiness. getting new rear tyre next month costing me 100 pounds and its scaring me what next...

MX5 at 18 eh... that will be interesting.. but im wanting a hot hatch, yeah the honda civic sports hatch. People say not untill 25 but i cant wait that long, plus i may not like it by then.
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mr jamez said:
No, thrashing the engine from cold trashes the engine, keep the revs under around 5k until it is warm. In cold weather blocking off half the radiator with some card can be beneficial.

hmm. thanks for that]

so about the original post.

what agis do insurance companies hate?
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