Spotify cache clearing?

9 May 2005
I hit the work offline on spotify before going for a run. Now downloaded the playlist about 50 tracks and have since decided I don't like the playlist. Now I can't find anyway to get rid of the 250mb that took up. I can't find anything googling other than on the spotify forum saying you have to delete the app and reinstall. It seems they have been saying that for years.

Surely there's a better way? Anyone here found a way or even another app to clear the spotify cache? I'm finding it amazing it doesn't auto clear it after 24 hours or so after de-selecting work offline :(
Don't you just toggle 'available offline' on the playlist?

Still keeps the size on the app on the iPhone. As I say looking at the forum they have been threatening a fix for 2 years, which was why I was wondering if anyone has experience of a third party app that clears it instead of reinstalling each time it gets large :)
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