ive tried out spotify/tidal/quobuz over the last few weeks,spotify has smoother ui but sound quality is hit and miss,tried running tidal beside playing dark side of the moon,tidal is better but not a lot better but has a really nice ui but not smooth as spotify,went on to try quobuz and within about 10 sec i looked down at my amp to see if it had changed settings /it does sometimes,there was a very noticeable jump up in sound quality, and that was with a 320 stream,tried the same album in high res 16bit 44,1 and it sounded even better ,the 2 big downs are that there app is crap,the tablet version is good dosent seem to crash anywhere as bad as the windows app,to sum it up quobuz sounds miles better if u can handle the app,tidal does sound a bit better than spotify but i prefer the spotify ui,very smooth and no problems,to me tidal isnt worth the extra cash,£19.99 compared to £9.99 spotify,i wonder what price spotify will charge for the better hifi,hhope they charge about £15.99,that would kill the comp,everyone should at least try out quobuz with a 2week trial,youl notice the extra sound quality,and oh forgot to say i bought chord mojo a few weeks back and it sounds amazing with each one,but even with a £400 dac you can still well i can,tell diffrent sound quality......................................#