Spotify - Sync Issues

26 Jan 2005
Hi all,

Have any of you had similar issues to me where Spotify doesn't sync between the desktop app (Windows 10) and your phone (in my case an iPhone XS Max) or other devices?

According to the desktop app, having literally just reinstalled it, I've listened to 5 albums in the last 2-3 months... In reality, it's in the hundreds.

I contacted Spotify about this and over the last week or so they have been about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

I've tried everything I can think of:
  1. Signing out of all devices and back in again
  2. Going offline for mins/hours/days on all devices and back online again
  3. A new account
  4. Uninstalling/reinstalling the apps
  5. Weird 'solution' involving deleting the Host file.
But nothing works. My recently played never updates, my liked songs or any activity on my desktop is not reflected on my phone from my desktop or vice versa.
I would have thought that whenever you sign into or use Spotify, it would ping the server to update your account based on your activities or something to that affect.

I gave up on Spotify 'support' where it got to the point where they were basically accusing me of lying about the whole thing. So here I am.

Any of you had similar issues, and managed to get it fixed? It's driving me mad and ruining the whole thing for me as I've only recently graduated to using Spotify in the last few months instead of the old fashioned burning CDs route.
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