
12 Jul 2009
How can a 24 year old suddenly have a mild outbreak of acne????? I have being 100% spot free through my teenage years but now seem to be getting a lot of spots on my forehead :( :(

Just a bit of a rant as it knocks you self confidence somewhat, any tips on how to get rid or reduce spots like some sort of acne cream ect?
No not just reached puberty!! :D

Ah you may be onto something, I’m kind of a gym freak so only eat healthy foods such as salad – fruit and drink plenty of water but have being recently taking shakes that have anabolic protein in, could this be the cause??
But I'm guessing he's taking his shakes with milk?

Milk apparently has a strong link with aggravating acne because of the hormones in the pregnant cows.

I know the deal with shakes and FF you don’t seem too keen on them! I take USN Muscle fuel (can I post a link to the product?) Plenty of people in my gym recommend this stuff to help with performance! I take it with milk yes on a morning and after my workout!

I have just ordered some hopefuly this will solve the problem only issue is the high % of Benzoyl Peroxide will have to watch my skin :)
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