Spray painting motorcycle disc lock

31 Oct 2002
Newcastle upon Tyne
I'm using a Xena XX14 alarmed disc lock at the moment which is great. It's solid and reliable however it's not very visible so I was thinking about spraying the body of it something bright so that thieves can spot it.


What sort of primer and paint would you suggest I use as obviously disc locks get scratched a bit so I don't want something which will flake off the first time I fit the lock.

* I know a disc lock reminder cable would help but the space under the seat of the Street Triple and ZX6R can barely fit the Xena in so there's not really the extra space required by the cable.
No matter what you use it will chip & flake, the only way around it is to wrap it using a sticky vinyl film.
If you just want it to stand out, i would just mask up the locking and alarm parts and take it to a powder coating place and get it painted fluorescent green/yellow.
Won't look great but will be noticed.
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