SPV C600 Excel?

20 Oct 2002
Can you get it? I need something to view some docs etc... I have seen a few things about it but according to the microsoft website it doesnt come with it... Is is available seperatly?
Can you import excel files and edit them? I thought there was a pocket version of Excel like you get on the Nokia phones...

Devices running Pocket PC edition come with Pocket/Mobile Office, allowing you to view and edit MS Office documents. However, this is missing from Smartphone edition. I believe that some devices running Smartphone edition, like the Motorola Q, do come equipped with software to view MS Office documents but it's not a standard feature and generally you will need third party software to do it.
Aparently looking at the MS website its Office Excel Mobile/word/pp i need but doesnt clearly say if it is supposed to come with Windows mobile 5 or if you have to but it seperatly...
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